Timeline from the Hamas Attack on Israel (October 7, 2023 - February 29, 2024)


  • David J. Sarquís Ramírez Universidad del Mar




Hamas, Israel, Palestine


The attack carried out by Hamas militants against Israel in early October 2023 marks one of the most significant and serious events for the contemporary international agenda and threatens to keep the region in a cycle of violence whose ultimate direction is still very difficult to predict. What is certain is that the risk to global peace has remained latent since then. Below, we present a timeline of events following the incursion of Hamas militants into Israeli territory. The events outline what has happened but do not necessarily explain it. A much more detailed and thorough analysis is required to turn these events into facts.

Author Biography

David J. Sarquís Ramírez, Universidad del Mar

Ph.D. in International Relations and full-time professor-researcher at the “Isidro Fabela” Institute of International Studies at the University of the Sea. The author thanks María Fernanda Tenorio Ortiz, a student of International Relations at the University of the Sea, for her assistance. Thanks are also extended to Lic. Josué Abimael Reyes Rosales from the Center for Documentation of International Studies (CDEI) at the same university for his reviews.




